Tuesday, 1 July 2014

New APEX Meetup Leeds - 13 August 2014

Are you an APEX enthusiast or just want to learn more? 
Well, this is your chance! I have created a new APEX Meetup Group in Leeds.  This will be the first of its kind in the UK and the first event has been planned for August 13th 6 - 9pm It will be held at the University of Leeds so keep the date free in your calendar and come join us.  Tell your friends and your colleagues, all are welcome.

RSVP for the Event Now:       http://www.meetup.com/orclapex-Leeds/events/191140412/

Join the Meetup Group Now:  http://www.meetup.com/orclapex-Leeds/

So why have I decided to do this?
Well, anyone who knows me will know that I am a massive Geek and also that I live and breathe APEX.  This is another way of getting involved in the APEX community and sharing knowledge and ideas with each other.  It is the first time I have run this kind of event but with the meticulous planning and great people, both presenting and attending, I'm sure this will be a success!  I want to emphasise that this event is not solely for those based in Leeds.  Everybody is welcome, from near or afar!

Thank you
The next thing I want to say is a massive thank you to Anthony Rayner from Oracle for agreeing to come up and present and show us some of the great new features APEX 5.0 has to offer, as well as helping to plan the event and put it together.

More about the Event
We have left the arrival time open so you can come any time between 6 and 7, which will allow people to come either straight from work or a little later.  It will also give time for anyone coming by train or further afield the chance to get to Leeds.  Around half 6 we will be getting some pizzas for everyone and if you do come a little later we will have some left so don't worry.  We will also have some refreshments for everyone.

Around 7 there will be a welcome talk outlining some of the plans for future events.  This will be followed by the eagerly anticipated presentation from Anthony on APEX 5.0.  We will then have a short break for refreshments.

We are then going to end with a Q&A Panel with some APEX Experts that are ready to answer any questions you throw at them so make sure you have some questions ready.

Spaces are limited so RSVP Now

After the event, we're going to be heading into town for a drink or two.  Of course, all are welcome to join us.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to send me an email or post a comment and I will be happy to answer.